Monday, September 21, 2009

Kids Having Fun...

Last week was Spirit Week at Mueller Park Jr. High. During the Spirit Assembly, the cheerleaders and officers did a synchronized swimming skit. It was hilarious!
Getting ready to dive into the "water" to the Chariots of Fire music...
When they lifted Hailey up she had a mouthful of water from a hidden water bottle and she spit it out like she was coming up out of the water. We were cracking up!

The final synchronized bow...

On Saturday, Hillary came up from Provo to take her brothers to the Dew Tour in SLC for their upcoming birthdays (all three of them are in November). John and I had gone to dinner with some friends and when we came down the driveway at 7:30 we saw a group of boys hanging out and thought Garrett was in the house. I didn't realize he was the ONE IN THE MIDDLE!

One of the best parts about the Dew Tour are all the freebies they give away--shoelaces, sunglasses, backpack bags, stickers, etc. The boys brought home so much stuff they had enough to share with their friends that came over later that night to hang out.

If you see a boy with neon orange shoelaces, you'll know he either went to the Dew Tour or is a friend of Garrett and Grayson...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Kids Want to Move...

John has a house he built in St. George that never sold (finished right when the market turned a couple of years ago...). He has held onto it because he doesn't want to sell it for less than it's worth.

Over Labor Day weekend we drove down for some relaxation and warm weather. We got both. I had had some same-day surgery a few days prior so all I wanted to do was rest.

The common area sports a tennis court, basketball court, playground and pool. My kids stayed outside for hours while I laid around and ate In'n'Out Burgers, animal fries and shakes.

The kids want to live there permanently. I, however only like to visit for a short period of time until there's furniture...
John was kind enough to buy a queen-size air mattress for me to sleep on but the soccer chairs set up around John's laptop to watch a movie were a little over the edge!