Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What did your pet get for Christmas?

This was Cooper's stash...
And he thoroughly enjoyed himself!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Family Pictures

I LOVE our family pictures this year... I wish every picture was touched up so we always looked like this!
We've been married 21 years and have had 5 children!

These guys get along great and have so much fun together...

The gals are alike in some ways but so different in many ways...

Hillary, 18, the BYU freshman...

Garrett, 16, sophomore at Woods Cross High and currently on a job hunt...

Hailey, 14, 9th grade cheerleader at Mueller Park Jr. High...

Grayson, 11, 5th grader at Boulton Elementary...

The kids (the boys USED to be towheads...)

A woman and her dog...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

First Time!

You know Fridays are early out for elementary school, and when you throw in lunch and an afternoon recess there really isn't much use of staying at school past 11 am....

... especially when you're 11 and you're ready to try snowboarding for your very first time!

Grayson loves and excels in most sports but has never wanted to try anything in the cold--until today. He and his friends took a 3-hour snowboarding lesson and are ready to hit the slopes sans instructor next time...

What would I have done with my Friday if Grayson hadn't drug me to Park City for the day???

... until next Friday...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I believe the weather man was incorrect when he said the Bountiful Bench received 10 inches of snow yesterday. MY bench received at least 12-16 inches!!!

And another thing... someone was having a lot of fun in the snow yesterday, and it sure wasn't me!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just Saying...

It was fun to have Hillary home with us over the Thanksgiving holiday. We don't see her very much anymore so I appreciated being together as a family once again.

Just saying...