Orange County, California... one of my favorites!

Another So. Cal favorite... cuz one of the main things is eating when I vacation!

My wonderful high school friend JoAnn (and beautiful daughter Sophia) were so kind to get my parents, Grayson and I into Disneyland/Cal. Adventures for the day. Her husband has been an electrician with Disney for 20 years and I have benefitted from the perks several times...
Grayson is a great pal to travel with (especially when no one else can miss work and school)
and he's always willing to run the fast and scary rides with me...

The beach is the ultimate destination of course,

along with bike riding
and surfing doing headstands (oops, that's not me...)

Grayson and I flew home Thursday night so we could go to St. George with the rest of the family for a few days...

Yay! Furniture in the house--bought 3 beds. I think a fridge is the next essential...