The week began with a scout court of honor where our 12-year-old advanced to Star rank and earned a fist-full of merit badges he's been working on all summer.

Don't have a picture, but John took Garrett and a few friends to St. George for a couple of days for their last summer adventure.
Can't believe the first football game of the season snuck up and Hailey began her Jr. year with a new cheer squad. She's grown a lot since last year but still small enough to be a flyer.

Garrett and friends hanging in the football stands... unfortunately Woods Cross lost to Viewmont in overtime by a field goal. Blehhhh!

Our ward had a service project bazaar at Dick's Market on Saturday to raise money for a Bountiful school that really struggles due to socio-economic issues. John willingly got into the dunking booth and Grayson threw the first ball.

It was worth the money he paid for tickets...

I am ready for school to start so we can get back on SOME KIND OF SCHEDULE!!!