Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November Birthdays...

Garrett turned 18 on Nov. 4. That was bittersweet for me... I'll only have him around for another year before he leaves on his mission.

Grayson turned 13 on the 13th. He was born on a Friday the 13th and it was a scary birth. I have been so blessed to watch him grow up and am sad that he's doing it so quickly!

Hillary turns 20 on Nov. 18! Having a 20-year-old child always seemed so far away... until now.

These three have always shared a family party in November to celebrate their birthdays as well as individual dinners at their favorite restaurants and gifts. It's a busy month for us but lots of fun.

... like I said, LOTS of fun!


Grayson plays on Forza's U-13 Boys Premier team. They took state this year as they were the best in their division.

Garrett plays on the Young Men volleyball team for our ward. They won the Stake Tournament last Saturday.

Congrats boys!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fun in the Tub...

Every year we go to the Utah State Fair on a Monday night for FHE. I always go to the all-you-can-eat ice cream tent for $3.00 (I average anywhere from 7-8 scoops of the best ice cream in the state--BYU Creamery, Aggie ice cream, etc.) and the others get a cob of corn roasted on the grill. This year the whole family went down the big slide and John bought a big hot tub.

It just arrived...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Sadies at WX is always girls' choice--Hailey asked Adam. Costumes are the norm. Hailey chose a superhero theme...

Hailey's group.

Hailey and Shelby cheer together and are great friends!

Shelby asked Garrett. I believe she went with the Spy/Mission Impossible/Charlie's Angel's theme.

Garrett's group.

Hailey and Garrett both had a great time...