Grayson contacted the Guadalupe School in Salt Lake back in June about things they needed done that they couldn't afford to do. The Principal told him they needed new wood chips for their playground before school started at the end of August.
Grayson called Bob's Tree Service and asked if they could donate 25 yards of wood chips. They were very accommodating (even when a truck broke down and we had to wait a week for a new part to come in), dumped their loads and drove away.
Grayson got 7 other scouts to come and help him spread the wood chips around the playground.
It was extremely hard work and they toiled steadily for 2 hours shoveling, dumping, spreading and raking the wood chips to cover the whole playground.
We were all thrilled to see those two huge loads disappear...
Grayson and his crew!
Now he's just got to fill out the mountain of paperwork required and have his Eagle Board of Review!