Thursday, August 23, 2018

Davis County Fair Volunteers

I was in charge of all the volunteers for the Living Arts building at the Davis County Fair this year. I was thrilled when Hillary was in town the weekend I needed help accepting all the entries to be judged and Hailey, Riley, John and Michelle stepped up from the family to help me that day as well.

The fair ran Wednesday-Saturday, August 15-18 and I started Wednesday morning accepting all the food entries AND finding judges to taste it!

So many friends, neighbors and ward members helped me out and I truly appreciated everyone and their 3-1/2 hour shifts.

I was even able to step away and walk around for a bit with Erica and her kids, attend the Madilyn Paige and BYU Vocal Concert, go thru a session of the Great Room Escape with the Davis Co. inmates who were also great fair volunteer laborers and attend my first rodeo! I had such a good time I may even sign up to help again next year...

Cousin Trip to Cedar City!

We've been getting together once a month to stay connected as cousins--one from each of our parent's families. This month we decided to drive to Cedar City where our parents were born and raised and where each of us spent many summers and vacations visiting Nana while we were growing up. We started at the Cedar City Cemetery, attended an endowment session in the Cedar City Temple, lunch at Brick House Cafe and dessert at Bulloch Drug. A fabulous day which we may have to turn into an annual trip!

Bonneville Builders Goes to Lagoon

John decided to have his company party at Lagoon this year. After a nice BBQ lunch at one of the pavilions and a prize drawing where every employee won a prize, John and I hit the park running and I got him to go on most of the rollercoasters...

We even got done in time to do sealings with a stack of family names at the Bountiful Temple before it closed for heavy maintenance for 6 weeks. Fun day!