Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sadie turns ONE!

John, Grayson and I had such a fun time in Phoenix celebrating Sadie's first birthday a couple days late. We took her to Build-A-Bear where she got "Brownie" the birthday bear for $1 (her age) and she had fun watching it get stuffed and holding it.

Since my birthday is only five days after Sadie's we went to Yard House for dinner and got a free birthday dessert together.

On Saturday I was able to connect with the High Fitness Guru Liz Jones (pojofitness) who trained me to be a High Fitness Instructor a year and a half ago. I helped teach at her O.U.R. fundraiser event that we're actually holding in Bountiful a week later along with hundreds of other instructors to stop human trafficking. It was so fun to teach with her!

While I was in Gilbert, the guy played 18 holes and had a blast.

When we all got home we went swimming in Garrett and Julia's community pool to cool down, played pickleball and then celebrated another dinner out at our favorite restaurant, White Chocolate Grill.

We had to fly home Sunday after just 2-1/2 days so John and I took Sadie on an early morning walk before it hit 100 degrees and can't wait to see her again when she comes to our house for Grayson and Caroline's wedding next month!

Monday, July 20, 2020

A Little Visit...

The Coffeys came to stay for a few days while Patrick had some cycling practice rides in preparation for Lotoja. We met up with Hailey and Chloe in Lehi for dinner one night and the cousins enjoyed each other and we enjoyed watching them!

 Hillary and I found time to squeeze in a pedicure and Taeya did lots of swimming. A fun few days for sure!!

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Bear Lake Family Reunion Randoms...

John's family rented a house 7BR/7BA house at Legacy Beach on Bear Lake July 1-5 and we had an amazing time with all of his side of the family (minus two) with lots of activities, food and fun! Most importantly, I think the three grandbabies had a blast and that's what really matters :)


Had to post a couple of Chloe pictures since we didn't see them much during quarantine or really get to hold Chloe...

Garrett's family came to Bountiful for a friend's wedding and stayed with us for a week before our Bear Lake Family reunion. We all enjoyed Sadie time--even Taeya in Vegas FaceTimed her cousin to chat...