Last night at our YW's second-round regional basketball game, my mom asked me why they didn't have me be the YW Basketball coach and I cocked my head, pursed my lips and looked at her for a minute... and then I replied... Mom, you know I would've been kicked out of the game before half, would've lost sportsmanship points for the team, and the refs would never be willing to ref our team again during the season. That statement is true as I sit in true physical pain as I watch YW basketball... my pulse is racing, I have sweat marks under my arms, my gut aches, and I twist, turn and slide down into my chair. When the other team fouls I say "yessss" under my breath and I constantly tell the refs what they should/shouldn't be calling. No, I don't think I could ever be a YW Basketball coach... Laurel Advisor is just fine.

The beginning of the game... 5 girls + 1 sub, 2 of those are mine (#1-Hillary; #10-Hailey). They all played their guts out and were VERY good sports. I was especially impressed with Hillary and Kayley who had come straight from a 90-minute lacrosse game against Jordan which they played the whole game and won 12-9. They were tired!
Brooke (#11) and Faith (#5) were very aggressive and Faith made several baskets for our team. Brooke was SO agressive that she fouled out at the beginning of the 4th quarter and we were then "sub-less."
My little Hailey (#10) is truly a dancer. HOWEVER... she's a fighter like her mom and sister and she made the other team extremely annoyed by her persistence to keep them from getting the ball (notice how many subs the other team has?!)

Hillary must've stolen the ball a gazillion times from the other team (about every time they got it). In normal conditions, with that many turnovers you win the game. However, Hillary is a soccer player and can't shoot so they didn't win. I think they honestly could've had it if she had been allowed to kick the ball into the basket...

Final score: 35-24 and a shirt with sweat rings...
Basketball brings out the @#$ in me too. :)
I couldn't have been more proud of these girls with their tenacious playing and big hearts. They totally won in my eyes!
I had no idea that you had such a angry, outspoken side to you.....I would have loved to see you be the coach! Your girls played a great game it sounds like...congratulations! (even though they lost)
Ohhhhh ... I'm so sorry I couldn't have been there! Alicia yes, you are right about JUST being the Laurel advisor! I'm so glad your girls inherited your "fight"!!!
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