Wednesday, August 26, 2009

1st Day of School and Arrow of Light

Garrett started 10th grade at WXHS and loves it! He says the 1-1/2 hour classes are a bit long but enjoys having A and B days. He doesn't enjoy riding the bus but only has to do it for 2 more months until he turns 16--yikes!

Hailey started 9th grade at MPJH. She has home release first period because they didn't have any classes offered during that time that she could take so she's going to do a class on Electronic High School during that time each morning.
The cheerleaders and officers had to greet the students--I think they were greeting each other more than the students!

I "think" Grayson was excited for school... 5th grade at Boulton.

I think this picture of their "table" is hilarious--girls smiling, boys sober.

Grayson received his Arrow of Light award last night at Pack Meeting. It wasn't a surprise to see Hailey surrounded by children--they love her from her summer Fun Fridays lots of babysitting...

... What WAS surprising was the interest the GIRLS had in Garrett!

He went missing for a half hour and come to find out... the girls had locked him in a room in the church and would only let him out if they did what they said and danced!

I'm sure he's hoping the 16-year-old girls are just as enthusiastic!!!

Grayson receiving his Arrow of Light...

The Webelos and AMAZING leaders, Sheryl and Carin! Thanks ladies for helping him achieve all that he has...

Grayson and pal Mitchell will most likely continue on their Eagle scout journey together as well...

I LOVED THIS! The Webelos leaders sent the boys over the bridge to greet their new 11-year-old boy scout leaders, John and Danny...

... and the scouting journey continues...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Girls Camp 2009

For those that know me, know that I am not a camper. I also have not attended girls camp since I was a teenager in So. Cal. So I was extremely grateful when I heard we were going to Heber Valley Camp--the Hilton of YW Girls Camps!
I'm sure Shauna is trying to tell me that everything is really going to be OK and I am trying to believe her...
The Baby Beehives...

Hailey and a few of her 1st year Mia Maid pals...

This was after six attempts to hold the pyramid longer than 3 seconds...

The 2nd year Mia Maids... a little older and wiser (notice they are not in pyramid formation!)

Campfire singing and dancing...

Amazing hikes...

Legacy Lake...

A few of our fearless(?) leaders...

The YW Boat Brigade...

Many crafts... necklaces, decorating shirts, decorating water bottles, making soap, more necklaces.
The leader's skit (was it funny or we were the only ones laughing?)...

Challenge course swing...

Matching PJ bottoms and decorated shirts...

Day 5 at last!!!

Connor's Birthday Celebration @ Snowbird

We were lucky to have Connor King stay with us for a few days during his Utah visit (from Atlanta). Instead of the annual birthday giftcard, we decided to take him for an afternoon of fun at Snowbird (much to my other children's delight). They all took a turn (or two or three) on the mechanical bull...

Hailey must've ridden that thing 5 times and couldn't stay on longer than 8 seconds...

Garrett struggled even to get on the thing to begin with...

and the bull was named the victor!

They enjoyed the zipline amidst the beautiful mountain landscape...

Took their turns on the climbing wall...

Many rides on the alpine slide (had to show this picture where the younger brother is beating the older brother)...

And rode the chairlift to the top. Hope Connor enjoyed his birthday present as much as we did!!!

Renee's 75th Surprise Party

I'll begin with a caveat... I function best when things are neat, tidy and organized. I have been unable to download pictures from my camera to the computer for a month and can't figure out why. We have cleaned off the hard drive, reinstalled the software, etc. Nothing. I am WAY behind with my blog, my scrapbooking and practicing with my camera. John was able to download a few of my pictures to his computer and we copied them to my thumbdrive, etc., etc. Here are a few events I need to document for family members out of state, the first being my mom's 75th surprise birthday party that I held at my house on July 25, 2009.
My mom's favorite colors are orange and red so I decided to use those colors as many ways possible throughout the party...
My mom's sister and brother and some of their family members were able to join us as well as one of my dad's brothers. All of my mom's grandchildren except for Collin (serving a mission in Puerto Rico) and all four great-grandchildren were able to be there too. Michelle and Steve were greatly missed!

The surprised 75-year-old (too bad she's blurry) thought she was coming to my house for a small, casual BBQ. She even brought a jar of her homemade dill pickles to share!

The food (and pickles at lower left) and family...

The cake...

The candle (good thing I didn't try to light 75!)...

Happy 75th mom!!! Love you...