Garrett started 10th grade at WXHS and loves it! He says the 1-1/2 hour classes are a bit long but enjoys having A and B days. He doesn't enjoy riding the bus but only has to do it for 2 more months until he turns 16--yikes!

Hailey started 9th grade at MPJH. She has home release first period because they didn't have any classes offered during that time that she could take so she's going to do a class on Electronic High School during that time each morning.

The cheerleaders and officers had to greet the students--I think they were greeting each other more than the students!

I "think" Grayson was excited for school... 5th grade at Boulton.

I think this picture of their "table" is hilarious--girls smiling, boys sober.

Grayson received his Arrow of Light award last night at Pack Meeting. It wasn't a surprise to see Hailey surrounded by children--they love her from her summer Fun Fridays lots of babysitting...

... What WAS surprising was the interest the GIRLS had in Garrett!

He went missing for a half hour and come to find out... the girls had locked him in a room in the church and would only let him out if they did what they said and danced!

I'm sure he's hoping the 16-year-old girls are just as enthusiastic!!!

Grayson receiving his Arrow of Light...

The Webelos and AMAZING leaders, Sheryl and Carin! Thanks ladies for helping him achieve all that he has...

Grayson and pal Mitchell will most likely continue on their Eagle scout journey together as well...

I LOVED THIS! The Webelos leaders sent the boys over the bridge to greet their new 11-year-old boy scout leaders, John and Danny...

... and the scouting journey continues...
We had so much fun last night. I will really miss Grayson when he leaves us. He is a good boy, always up for anything...such a good sport! You have been so great to work with also! Thanks for always being flexible!
I love that our boys do so much together. Getting their Arrow of Light on the same night seemed fitting. I'm excited to watch them continue to grow together.
Are you all caught up now with your blogging?!! It looks like you were able to get your camera going again? SCOUTS!!! Great job to ALL you parents and ALL you leaders ... and of course scouts!
Isn't it great to have the kids back in school. I love having them home but it's nice to get back to the structure of a school year. Also congratulations on your son getting his arrow of light! Let's see if we can hook up with you and John for dinner either in September or October. Let me know if you could work us into your schedule. We'd love to see you both.
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