BYU was ranked 7th in the nation so they were invited to attend the Women's Lacrosse Nationals in Scottsdale, Arizona May 5-8. John, Grayson, Hailey and I hopped in the car and drove 10 hours to watch Hillary (#15) play.

1st Game: Played Florida and beat them by 3, putting BYU in the winners bracket.

2nd Game: Against 4th-ranked Lindenwood (Missouri) and BYU lost by 3.

Hillary was assigned to play defense and stick to their leading scorer like glue.

She held her off and during one of the timeouts, Hillary's coach came out and hugged her because she was doing such a great job.

It was 9:30 at night and still in the upper 80s. Daytime temp. was 95-97 degrees.

Hailey grabbed her stick and played with whoever was willing during each timeout and halftime.

3rd Game: Against 2nd-ranked UC Santa Barbara. There were so many upsets that BYU ended up playing all the top teams. They played exceptionally well and lost by 1.

With the hot temperature (which we LOVED) we spent many of our afternoon hours at the pool.

John is always a good sport to get in the water and play whatever game or stunt the kids come up with...

4th Game: Again, had to play one of the top schools--3rd-ranked UC Davis and again, lost by 1 in the last minute of play.

Overall, BYU had a great showing even with its losses because the games were competitively close. They came out of nationals with the same ranking they went in--7th out of 16 teams. We are proud of them!

Made a quick stop at Glen Canyon Dam on the way home since we've never been there before (believe it or not...)

Happy Trails...
That is very impressive! Go BYU! I can't remember what it feels like to have 90 degree weather, it must be nice :)
You "HAD" to go to Scottsdale?!!!!!? Did it just kill you to come home to snow in May?!! Loved the photos! BYU ... YAY!!!!!!
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