My day started at 5:30 am as Hillary and I boarded one of the busses taking runners up Emigration Canyon to the start of the Freedom Half Marathon. It was a first for both of us. Hillary signed up a couple of weeks ago as she has wanted to do a Half Marathon for awhile. I signed up Friday when I felt bad that she was running it alone...

Needless to say, we both ran it alone as she took off ahead of me at the beginning of the race and finished 5-10 min. before me (still waiting for final race times for verification)...

I finished 13.1 miles in 1 hour and 57 minutes and was very proud of myself! AND I'm so glad it further solidified that I will NEVER run a marathon!!!

The race ended at the State Capitol and I think I'm going to stick with team relays. That was a long run! I do have to say the highlight of the whole race was when the bus driver asked if Hillary and I were sisters and when I said I was her mother and turning 46 in a few weeks, she responded that I was very "well preserved" for my age. Ha!!

We drove to my parent's house in Sandy where the other kids had spent the night, had a fabulous breakfast, and went to Sandy Days as we do every year.

We always try to take these photos...

... and found a cute photo op for my mom and dad!

We all went to Sweet Tomatoes for lunch--one of our favorites--and now Cooper and I are reading a book on my bed while everyone else is golfing... Happy 4th!!!
Alicia, you are AWESOME!!!!!
I am glad you are enjoying a happy 4th!!!!
How fun that you ran a 1/2!! You are the coolest. You and John should have said hi the other night when you came to watch fireworks...consider yourselves family!!
That marathon is getting closer and CLOSER!! :) Congratulations to both of you!
Good job, you! That's a great time. And you do look great!
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