Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day

I posted on FB about John's "pre"-planning as his roses arrived at 9 am...

The kids got their Valentine bags from me (the boys' favorite item--NASCAR tix in Vegas next month...)

Found a fun idea on Pinterest for one of John's gifts... (he's taking the boys to NASCAR this year!)

...didn't take too long to make or come up with 52 reasons why I love him!

Fabulous lunch with my parents and sister at this place...

John took me to dinner at Tepanyaki, one of our favorites...

...and then stopped and bought me a triple chocolate treat on the way home which I consumed as soon as I got a fork!

Hope your V-Day was as good as mine!!!


Karen said...

Way to go Johnny! You deserve all the roses, good food and treats that you get...happy valentines day!

Misty said...

I love Pinterest! I saw that cute card book and loved it, but nothing I pinned ever got off the board and into reality. Your boys hit pay dirt. Do the girls get something fun as well? Glad you had a great Valentines Day. You definitely work hard and deserve it!

Carin said...

What a day!!!!!!!!!!
Market Street for lunch will make any day better!!!!!!!! Especially with wonderful people!!!! The flowers are beautiful!