Thursday, May 30, 2019

Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program

On instagram this morning I posted how 2019 has been the year for me to step out of my comfort zone (High Fitness Instructor 😂) and that I recently competed the Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program at the USU Extension in Kaysville. I had to do a 3-hour mandatory volunteer shift in the diagnostics center where people call or email about problems with their trees/grass/plants, etc. or bring in diseased samples and then we diagnose and advise treatment. I had been dreading this for months. However, I actually enjoyed it and realized I knew more than I thought I did and there's always a resource to find the answer I'm looking for. The last four months included irrigation, planting and pruning labs as well as weekly 2-1/2 hour instruction and opportunities to volunteer to reach our 40 hours--cleaning up USU Botanical Center, Baby Animal Days, etc. As I'm learning, you're never too old to try new things!!

So much more enjoyable with friends--Misty Mower, Carin Davis, Betsy Pilkington, Kristen Holm & Heather Passey

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