Wednesday, July 17, 2019

He's Home!!!

July 11, 2019--Best Day Ever! Grayson returned home from the Brazil Campinas Mission and is the final child in our family to serve a mission. He arrived at 10:30 am and all of his siblings were at the airport to meet him except Garrett who flew in Saturday for his homecoming report at church.

That first hug is always the most amazing thing about a missionary's return. So happy Papa was able to bet there and new niece Taeya!

Elder Lewis Johnson and Grayson left on the same flight 2 years prior and were friends and they arrived home together even closer.

Grayson's first meal request was In 'N Out and then we went home and he was stunned at his surroundings. He hadn't felt air conditioning or carpet for two years and wept when he saw his big, comfortable bed which he said he didn't deserve. He was humbled and grateful and so happy to be home! He was released later that evening by President Hammon and it was bittersweet to see him remove his name tag and the emotion it caused him to do so. Elder Tebbs was a wonderful missionary and we're all thrilled to have him home and anxious to see what amazing things are in store for him...

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