Thursday, December 19, 2019

1st Half of December

Attended the absolute BEST company party for Know How Mom at Sego Lily spa in Bountiful and had facials and massages. I've done pro bono work for Georgia for a few years and she continues to take amazing care of me and I love working with our team.

Had a Scotland reunion with a few who were available for lunch when Frances was in town for the day. So fun to reminisce about our amazing trip and start planning the next adventure!

After my luncheon downtown I joined John for a dinner with our accounting firm at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and visited the Giving Machine in the lobby.

Garrett & Julia bought a home about 10 miles north of their Phoenix apartment and John & I flew down to help them move. I got to tend Sadie for two days straight and John built shelves, assembled things and lifted heavy objects with Garrett while Julia unpacked boxes. We loved being in 65-degree temps instead of 25 degrees!

Grayson finished up his first semester at BYU and had one last Chloe squeeze before he headed home until Winter semester starts in January...

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