... OR Georgia on my mind (depends on my personality that day). My parents and I went to visit my sister Michelle, husband Steve and son Connor for 5 days in Lilburn, Georgia. My dad always takes his "girls" to Market Street Grill for a Valentines Lunch and slides us a $100 bill to spend "only on ourselves." With Michelle's husband serving as mission president of the Atlanta North Mission until July 2011, my dad said we were going to lunch in Atlanta this year! Very fun visit--very fun time!

...I was impressed with the homes in Lilburn and surrounding areas--big, spacious and lovely--all for about the cost of a lot in Bountiful! Loved the weather too...

...Sister King at work in her home office.

...President King at work in the mission office.

...Lake Lanier--great recreational destination in the summer (reminded me a lot of Pineview).

...Stone Mountain (5 min. from my sister's house) was very cool. Didn't realize the guy who began this project (wasn't the one that actually finished it) was the same person that did Mt. Rushmore.

... mom and Michelle LOVE watching CNN and know all the broadcasters, journalists and commentators SO we had to do the CNN Studio Tour.

...visiting Centennial Park after CNN and before the World of Coke. (Look how tall Connor is--15 years and growing!)

...saying goodbye at the Atlanta airport after 5 days of fun and visiting... (love the hair and humidity)
What a fun trip!!!!! I love your dad's Valentine tradition!!!
Glad you had fun. I am jealous. It seems like a long time ago I was there. . .
Wow, I love Georgia even though you're right about the humidity. Looks like you all had a great time. I can't wait to hear all about it. I think your niece is right I got a disconnected message today when I called Citris Grill, meet there at noon and we'll choose somewhere else close by.
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