My favorite mission companion Tracy Davis Larsen and I went to lunch the other day. We served together for 6 months in a tiny, old, pretty gross apartment above a karate studio in Wellington, Ohio almost 22 years ago (yikes!)

I found an awesome picture of us serving together in the Ohio Cleveland Mission in June 1987. Notice the hair is a bit bigger and there aren't any wrinkles yet, but the smiles are still the same.

We met a very good friend in Wellington, Amy Young, who was 17 and just graduating from high school. Her family was Catholic but they were so kind to us and very fun to be with. Amy didn't join the church but she listened to the discussions and felt the spirit on several occasions.
(This is a picture of a zone conference where we played baseball and had a BBQ. Amy came with us.) What is with those flowered pants I have on??!

When my mission was over I brought a couple of friends home with me to So. California so they could meet my parents and see the sights. I think they even drove to Utah with me too... Amy is on the left along with another friend Celeste Bates (she joined the church along with her brother and they both served missions).

I miss the life of a missionary... I think spending time in Atlanta with my sis made me think of the wonderful experiences and memories I will hold dear forever! (Thanks Tracy and Amy for being a big part of those...)
Your hair is absolutely HYSTERICAL!!! Mine used to look like that too!
How fun to go through old mission memories and meet up with your companion!
I will say right now that you looked MUCH better on your mission than I did on mine!!! :)
The hair is the best. I swear the higher the better in those days. I take comfort in the fact that I wasn't the only big-haired girl :)
Alicia, you are worried about the pants and I was laughing at the headband. Oh 80's hair, please come back so I don't have to use a flat iron every day! :)
wow ... i'd take the hair and clothes if i could be that thin and young again
what a great time in my life! thanks so much for the memories i hold so close to my heart ...
you taught me a lot ... especially the importance of family ... and faith ...
Sorry it's taken me so long to get on your blog! I love the mission pictures! WOW! What was anyone thinking of with 80's clothes, hair? But we all had it!
Oh my gosh, I laughed hystercally when I saw these pictures of us from the mission. We really did have some fun memories together. You were a great trainer and have became a life long friend!!!
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