Sunday, March 15, 2009

Might not seem like a big deal to you... BUT's HUGE for me! I took an amazing all-day photography workshop from Carin Davis on Saturday and I finally learned how to use an "adult camera." No point-and-shoot for me baby! Believe it or not, I "went manual" and adjusted f-stops (aperture), ISO and shutter speeds for every shot. I'm still in shock that I even know what those things mean. I didn't even use Photoshop after I downloaded (that's the next class I need to take btw). So here are a few of my raw attempts at what I learned in class yesterday...




Overall, a fantastic day of learning and enjoying being with other beginning photographers. Thank you Carin!!!


Shauna said...

YAHOO!!! Wasn't it fantastic??? Can't wait for your future images!!!

Carin Davis said...

Alicia! It was a pleasure to have you in the class! I knew you were organized and hard working...NOW I know you never give up! I was so impressed by the positive attitude you kept with every obstacle (that was totally out of your control) and you DID IT!!!! The pictures are fantastic! I, like Shauna, can't wait to see more!

Misty said...

Way to go Alicia! It was amazing and fun and I am so glad I went. I agree with did very well at staying cool, calm and collected with your camera issues. I look forward to your future pics as well :)

Kristi Veale said...

I like your bokeh picture of the flower. It was nice meeting you Saturday. I'm excited to see everyone photos as we all keep our camera's on manual.

Mrs. O said...

I am jealous! Great photos. I love the shoes pic. I think I need Carin's info.

Heather said...

Great picture Alicia! It was so fun! And the best part is, I know what I'm doing now and I'm loving M mode! The flower is really nice! I'm a Bokeh fan!

The Huntsville Dunns said...

I wanted to take that class so bad.....but the timing was not good. I think you are so funny....I love the shoe pic the best also. You totally look pro! :)

Tralar said...

I have always wanted to take a photography class...haven't done so since high school but you've inspired me with your great photos!