The outgoing AND incoming Mueller Park Jr. High cheerleading squads performed a hip hop routine at at the end of year assembly Friday.

Hailey loves hip hop and knows how to strut her stuff...

The incoming cheerleaders simulated a "car" as the outgoing 9th graders soloed in the middle to some kind of rap junk. I'm sure there was a horn honk in there somewhere...

Being introduced as a returning cheerleader for next year...

Garrett loves to design and work with his hands. His CO2 car came in first place in the whole school. Wonder what he'll be when he grows up...

The Woods Cross High School Graduate!

Hillary and friends before the ceremony...

Hillary and Kristen after receiving their diplomas--happy day!

Kayley and Hillary now moving on to their next adventure at BYU--and hopefully that doesn't include getting married in the near future!!!
What a fun time for you Alicia!!! You have a darling family ... and you're photos are looking so great! Happy summer to the Tebbs family!!!
Wow! Congratulations Hillary! She looks beautiful and so HAPPY! BYU is going to be GREAT!
I think "sophomore marriage" is right there in the fine print on the tuition bill. They are both beautiful girls. Wow!
Alicia we got the cute announcement from Hillary and I think every one of my kids including Caleb (with extra interest) asked who the cute girl was graduating. She really is beautiful, along with the rest of your cute clan. Weren't you just at BYU yesterday? I swear you were!
Congrats to Hillary! Hello student discount on Photoshop for Alicia! Perks to everything in life :)
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