Sunday, July 5, 2009

Boating on the 4th of July!

We knew we'd never get Hillary to come home for the weekend (LOVES BYU & living away...) so we went boating on Utah Lake for the 4th of July and KNEW she'd drive five miles from her apartment for that! Hillary brought one of her roommates from Missouri, Priscilla, who had never been boating before and she LOVED every minute of it.
Garrett tried out his new wakeboard he got for Christmas and surprised us all with tricks and turns...
Grayson was a little more adventuresome this year and was willing to go as fast as John could drive and didn't mind getting flipped off several times...
The best sport of all was Cooper who sat next to me on my seat the whole day and didn't make a peep... guess we'll have to take him again!


Heather said...

Great photos Alicia! Looks like you all had FUN! Even Cooper!

Mrs. O said...

The first shot is awesome and the last one is priceless!

Carin said...

Sometimes the best getaways are close to home!!!! I love your pictures too!!!!

Shauna said...

Alicia, your photos are getting really good!!! I didn't see any of you though ..... =)

The Huntsville Dunns said...

I love how you are able to still get the family together even when Hillary is away.....very clever! Did cooper like it too?

Candi said...

Love boating on the 4th!!!!Looks like you guys had fun and Hilary too.

Tralar said...

Looks like a great way to cool off! Don't you just love summer? It puts you in an instant good mood. Hope you're having a fun one.