Sunday, November 22, 2009

14 out of 25...

... is how many free throws Grayson made at the Elks Club Free Throw Shooting Contest on Saturday.

A little bit of nerves...
and worrying about stepping over the foul line...

resulted in dropping 14 shots (out of 25)

instead of Grayson's usual 90% from the foul line.

He still took 2nd place out of the 10-11 year old boys, had a great time with his buddies, and got a free dinner compliments of the Elks Club!

Have I mentioned that I don't really enjoy watching these competitive types of things??? (I'm going to DIE in January when Hailey has 3 cheer competitions--double UGH!!!) The pressure, the anxiety, the stress, the perfectionist in me and my children... Good thing they're not into Spelling Bees! That would kill me off.


Shauna said...

I know the feeling. The anxiety flowing through me during Sky's wrestling matches was a killer. I went home after every one with holes bit in my lips!!!!!!!! Good job Grayson!

Courtnie said...

Ha ha! You kill me Alicia! :) Are the cheer competitions open? I'd love to bring the kids to come see Hailey cheer. Give us a basketball schedule or something and we can come!

Tebbs Family said...

Court--I think a great cheer competition to come to is on Jan. 23 at the So. Towne Expo. Of course they charge to get in but the kids are probably free. When it gets closer I will know what time Hailey's school competes so you don't have to come all day. It is a lot of fun to watch the high school squads though and Alta usually competes too... Ashlyn will LOVE it!!

Carin said...

I would be a wreck! Good thing for you that your children are all SO talented!!!!!

Heather said...

Way to go Grayson! We need a hoop! Our boys LOVE basketball! Like the ball shots!!!