Sunday, November 8, 2009

BYU 11 - Westminster 3

John and I were so excited that Hillary had a lacrosse game so close to home. (We're also excited for the Santa Barbara tournament in February so we can sneak in a warm trip in the throes of winter...)
She's a freshman. She's #15. She's not used to standing on the sidelines. She's wearing red under armour AND neon orange shoelaces. (Mom quickly sent a "care" package in the mail with BYU-blue under armour & leggings. I'll leave the shoelaces alone for now...)

Gets to play second half and tears it up...

Great shot at goal...

Loved this "raw" shot... (just wish it wasn't blurry...)

Final: BYU - 11; Westminster - 3


Shauna said...

OH ... I bet you were so proud!!! Way to go Hillary!!! Yes Alicia, get those BYU blues in the mail!!!!!!!!

Misty said...

How fun to have a daughter playing and get to watch! That is awesome. What an accomplishment for Hillary!

Carin Davis said...

How fantastic!!!!!!!!! What a great sport!!!! I love all of your great shots!

p.s. I say keep the red ;)

Mrs. O said...

I love the red, too - makes for a nice contrast in the pics.