Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dance Response...

I sure didn't go to the effort and expense at asking and responding to dances when I was in high school as the kids do nowdays. Garrett went inexpensive this time and asked a girl to Senior Ball by writing his name on a small piece of paper and putting it in a tiny ziplock. He then filled a bucket of water and put the ziplock bag inside and froze it. His poster said, "It would be cool if you went to Senior Ball with me." This was the girl's response...

She left the response at night, thus the flashlight. I took the pictures in the morning when you could see the chalk on the sidewalk a little better.

Glad she said yes and it's the last dance of the year...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Now I Remember...

... why women usually don't have kids in their 40s! They're too slow to keep up with them!

We've been tending my nieces children (ages 4 and 2) for a few days and having lots of fun but I've sure appreciated having my older kids that will run around with them and get on the ground and play with them ALL day.

They've been very well behaved and extremely good eaters and sleepers...

We didn't even have to leave Sacrament meeting because they were so good.

My kids have had a blast having these cute kids around. The only one that has been sad has been Cooper because the kids are afraid of him and won't let him be in the same room with them. We'll have to work on that the next time they come...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Weekend of Sports

Spring sports have officially begun and we've got chairs, blankets and water bottles stowed in the car ready to support: Garrett--tennis; Hailey--lacrosse; Grayson--soccer

Garrett plays #1 doubles on the Woods Cross J.V. tennis team. He had matches against East and Bountiful this week. New uniforms--like the plaid shorts?

Hailey has chosen to follow in Hillary's footsteps and play lacrosse.

She even got Hillary's old uniform since it was the smallest they had...
Hailey gets to play Varsity as a 9th grader because Woods Cross only has one team this year.

The North Canyon 6th Ward boys basketball team played its third-round of region play Saturday.

They are quite proud of their homemade jerseys they made one night for a mutual activity and have an awesome team.

They won by 4 and get to move on to the Regional semi-finals this Thursday. Good luck N.C. 6th!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Erin Go Bragh!

Happy March -- from our house to yours...