I sure didn't go to the effort and expense at asking and responding to dances when I was in high school as the kids do nowdays. Garrett went inexpensive this time and asked a girl to Senior Ball by writing his name on a small piece of paper and putting it in a tiny ziplock. He then filled a bucket of water and put the ziplock bag inside and froze it. His poster said, "It would be cool if you went to Senior Ball with me." This was the girl's response...

She left the response at night, thus the flashlight. I took the pictures in the morning when you could see the chalk on the sidewalk a little better.

Glad she said yes and it's the last dance of the year...
There is so much pressure these days in HOW YOU ASK ... HOW YOU RESPOND, etc. I remember this from Sky! It's such a production! I saw this on your sidewalk Sunday when I was making my special delivery! Who did he ask?!!!! =) I know ... I'm so noisy!
OOPS!!! NOSEY ... nosey is what I meant to say!!!!!!!!!! =)
Sure, Shauna... We all know how "noisy" you are--especially at girl's camp!!!
Our fhe last night was helping Madi unwrap about a thousand chocolate kisses to find out who asked her to the dance. I'm thinking she should answer with peanut butter kiss cookies!
I remember those days. I used to dread trying to come up with out of the ordinary ways to answer guys about dances. Fun stuff. 3 1/2 years until I get to do this with Mikkall :)
Cute! I thought the kids were just doing chalk art on your driveway! We NEVER did anything like this in my high school but at Ricks....Oh boy! It is a production, a life event, something talked about for years to come!
The asking process is more elaborate than the actual dates.
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