Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Cheerleader!

I have a very happy girl that will be switching her Mueller Park Jr. High baby blue poms for some royal blue ones at Woods Cross High School next year.
Hailey had cheer tryouts Friday afternoon along with 30 other girls for some coveted spots on the WX 1st-place cheer squad. There were 12 returning cheerleaders and Hailey and a couple of her good friends filled up the remaining spots on the squad.

I am SO proud of Hailey! and I guess all those years of dance and tumbling paid off...


Karen said...

Congratutions, Hailey, I am so excited for you!

Karen said...

Hahaha, I meant brain hasn't woke up all the way yet!

Shauna said...

Congratulations Hailey!!! You're ADORABLE!!

Taylar said...

Great job Hailey!! thats amazing!!! you must be really good!!

The Huntsville Dunns said...

What? I'm not surprised that Hailey made cheer....I'm more surprised that she starts High school this fall!!!!! We may need some expert tips for Taylar when she try's out next year! Congratulations!!

Tralar said...

Tell Hailey we are so excited for her. What a fun accomplishment. She's a way cute girl!

Misty said...

Way to go, Hailey! She has got to be the hardest working girl I know. She earned it for sure! What a beautiful girl. Are you sure she's old enough for high school? Time flies...