Monday, March 22, 2010

Now I Remember...

... why women usually don't have kids in their 40s! They're too slow to keep up with them!

We've been tending my nieces children (ages 4 and 2) for a few days and having lots of fun but I've sure appreciated having my older kids that will run around with them and get on the ground and play with them ALL day.

They've been very well behaved and extremely good eaters and sleepers...

We didn't even have to leave Sacrament meeting because they were so good.

My kids have had a blast having these cute kids around. The only one that has been sad has been Cooper because the kids are afraid of him and won't let him be in the same room with them. We'll have to work on that the next time they come...


Mrs. O said...

I bet you've secured favorite aunt status now. What cuties.

Shauna said...

Lots of WORK huh?!!! That is the beauty of grand kids is that you can play for a while and then they go home!!!!!!!!!!

The Huntsville Dunns said...

Your kids are the best! I bet you didn't have to lift a finger :)

Misty said...

I was laughing at church when the nursery came in with your nephew. The look on your face when you realized it was for you and your reaction were great. You could tell it's been awhile since the nursery has needed to come snag you :)

Taylar said...

i miss you guys so much!! we need to get together sometime!

Carin Davis said...

Favorite aunt status indeed! I don't believe you were tired for a minute! You have more energy than anyone I know! :)