Saturday, June 26, 2010

"LOST" -- A Girls Camp Adventure

I was never so happy to see Camp Piuta as I was last Tuesday after being "lost" for over two hours on barren highways and muddy roads...

Our theme was "Wind" and our first crafts included wind chimes, wind socks and windmills to decorate our cabin.

On the second day, the camp director Lauretta and I went on an early morning hike to figure out the best route for our afternoon hike with the girls. We were truly "lost" for an hour and a half and had to cut through forest and valleys off-trail to finally find the road back to camp.

Most of the young women attended camp but a few "lost" souls showed up for a night or two.

Hailey and Baby Beehive Eliza hung together a lot during camp. They even managed to get "lost" for a couple of hours when there was work to do...

Since camp was under direction of the stake and they were in charge of all of our meals, the leaders (especially me) felt COMPLETELY "lost" with the various methods of cooking our food. It took several hours for most meals to be prepared and cooked with dutch ovens, sticks over the fire, buddy burners and bags. We even cooked a turkey on a tripod! (it was delicious...)

The girls separated into four groups for the Fort Activity which consisted of making the best water-proof lean-to shelter if they were ever "lost" in the outdoors.

Each did a fabulous job and most of the shelters were pretty water-tight.

Above, Emily is modeling her all-nature attire which she wore for the evening pageant. She competed with her outfit, a talent (singing "Ain't No Mountain High") and answered a question which consisted mostly of her shouting "world domination." She won the pageant!

I would've been "lost" without Hailey at camp. Counting down--one more to attend... I am SO not a camper!


Shauna said...

ONE more to go?!!! What does that mean? I thought you would've been done after this one! Believe it or not ... I wish I would have been able to be there!!! The turkey? I wonder if it would have been delicious cooked here at home? Things always taste better when you're STARVING! =)

Misty said...

I love the "lost" references. I have to say, the turkey really was good. It was very juicy and tender. It was a good time, but I am so glad to be home! We missed you, Shauna!

Karen said...

I've been bragging on the girls in our ward all weekend, especially how awesome they worked together to make the turkey. I'm with you on the countdown, though:)