Tuesday, August 24, 2010


It's Saturday morning at 7:30 am and the following conversation truly took place...

JOHN: Hey, do you want to run a 5K with me this morning at Wheeler Farm?
ALICIA: Sure, what time does it start?
JOHN: 8:30.
ALICIA: We're going to have to hurry to make it in time and register. What's the race for?
JOHN: Some diabetes walk/run I told Dave I'd support him in.

We arrive and find out the event doesn't start until 9:30 am and you have to donate at least $100 per person for each shirt. (Notice I am not wearing THE shirt, but we did donate generously.)

ALICIA: Hey John, I'm not seeing anyone in running clothes. Are you sure it's a 5K?
JOHN: Well, I think it's more of a walk-a-thon.

We see one of John's BYU roommates, Doug Cooper, who is volunteering and make our way over to him to get the real scoop...

JOHN: (to Doug) Hey Dog, (that's what they all call each other, I didn't just forget to insert a "u") do you know anything about this run today?
DOUG: (DOG): Yeah, we did the walk-a-thon last year and it's about a mile around Wheeler Farm and everybody walks it.

Good thing Cooper was with us so he could get his exercise for the day...

ALICIA: Come on Cooper, let's go "walk" our mile for diabetes!

Believe it or not, we lost John on the route and he actually had to run the last half of route to catch up!

ALICIA: Glad you found us John. You might as well walk through the finish line with Cooper and me since you caught up with us...

ALICIA: Please drop me off at the temple on the way home so I can run a 5K today...


Karen said...

I am laughing sooo hard right now. Do you SEE how dejected (and a little disgusted??) you look in the picture of you and Cooper walking? Awesome!

Carin Davis said...

That is my kind of race!!!!!

Courtnie said...


Misty said...

Too funny! What a good sport you are!

Taylar said...

hahaha very funny! that is hilarious that you showed up in your running outfit! you, john and cooper are great sports!

Shauna said...

SO TYPICAL for a guy, don't you think!?? Did you get your 5K in! By the way ..... nice legs (YOU, not John!) =)

Heather said...

That is too funny! Jogn should of called Kelly instead!!! That would be a perfect race for him!

The Huntsville Dunns said...

That is awesome....Now you should come up with some story about a 5k in california that Dog is running and that you two need to go support him :)

Tralar said...

I love this story. Funny how our cute hubby's fail to get the full details before they pass it along to us. I'm learning to roll with it looks like you are too! So funny!