Enjoyed another fun week at Capistrano Beach during Spring Break.

John was playing with the camera and when he set it on focusing only on the RED things in the frame, it captured his hat and his sunburned knees--hilarious!

I joined the crew after my run and enjoyed just relaxing with no cares, worries or schedules.

Hailey purchased a new lacrosse stick on our trip and took it with her everywhere.

Grayson putting the finishing touches on Garrett's sand burial.

The kids went back and forth from the beach and the pool every day.

Other fun activities included a Dodgers vs. Angels game at Angel Stadium...

Indoor Go Karting...

... in which Garrett lapped everyone at least once.

Went to one of my favorite ice cream places growing up, Farrell's, and ordered a Pig's Trough and ate it all!

Had an amazing day at Sea World...

Visited the Mormon Battalion (fabulous!!) in Old Town San Diego...
The boys panned for gold...

We sadly say goodbye until next year...
Your break sounds HEAVENLY!!! Farrells? There used to be one in Salt Lake back when I was growing up! Miss that place! Did you SERIOUSLY eat the whole thing?!! :)
Fun, fun, fun, 'til her daddy took her t-bird away! Looks like a great trip with the family.
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