Friday, September 28, 2012

Hawaii 2012

Garrett is leaving for 2 years in exactly 2 months.  I had enough points on my American Express card to get two round-trip tix to Hawaii and a hotel.  Garrett was more than willing...

We attended a session at the Laie Temple.

One of my best pals from college and roommate at both BYU-Hawaii and BYU in Provo--Mrs. Cindi Berry Watkins--lives in Laie with her professor/husband.  She was kind enough to make the 3 of us a picnic lunch and get us in to the Polynesian Cultural Center (her daughter works there).

We shopped in one of Garrett's favorite places, the International Marketplace...

AND... we completed the last thing on his pre-mission bucket list:  SKYDIVING!  I wasn't planning to go but he really wanted me to.  So I did.

Garrett getting in his harness, assisted by his tandem instructor Joe.

My instructor's name was Peg Leg and I was afraid to ask how and when he "earned" that name...

All ready to go!

It's a good thing I didn't realize how high 12,000 feet truly is or I wouldn't have gone.  This photo is AFTER we'd gone through the clouds and had the 60-second free-fall drop.  We had to land on that grassy airstrip.

Garrett said he would totally do it again.  I, however, would not.  Glad he enjoyed it though!

My parents happened to be going over as well for a week so we caught up with them for a few days of their stay before we headed home...

Can't go to Oahu without visiting Hilo Hatties and the largest Hawaiian shirt in the world!!

The last two things Garrett did that were important to him were renting a motorcycle to ride around the island and rent a surfboard for half a day.

Mission accomplished!  (Wish I was REALLY saying that two years from now...)


Shauna said...

Are you SERIOUS??? You really jumped out of an airplane?!!!! Crazy girl! That picture of Garrett in the air with his cheeks flapping....hysterical!

Misty said...

This makes me want to go back to Hawaii! Sometimes it would be nice to have a pause button for real life so I could sneak away from home without anyone knowing and without having to try and juggle what to do with 4 kids, school and activities while I am gone. :) I am impressed that you went sky diving. I have always wanted to try it, but I think I've become too chicken in my old age. And can I say that I love your wavy hair in the sky diving pics! Very cute! What a priceless memory for Garrett to always remember that time with his mom before his mission.

Mrs. O said...

You have to be the coolest woman I know - SKYDIVING? Serious mom points there. What fun memories you have together.