Monday, October 1, 2012

WXHS Homecoming Week 2012

Hailey played on one of two Senior teams for the Powderpuff Football Game last Thursday.  There were 4 teams total and her team ended up losing in the finals by one point.  She had a blast.

She cheered for the WXHS vs. Highland game Friday night.

The cheerleaders performed during halftime.

I wish I would've had my camera ready for Hailey's quick-change.  She ran off the field after the cheer performance and pulled her uniform COMPLETELY off on the side of the field and threw on her Dance Company shorts and sweatshirt and she was back on the field in moments.

Lastly... the Homecoming Dance on Saturday.  I was so sad we were not able to be there to take pictures since we were at Hillary and Patrick's other wedding reception in Las Vegas.  Hailey did the best she could using the mirror in the playroom but you can't really see her gold shoes and accessories...

Hailey was in the "football" group and there were 36 couples!!  They rented two buses for the day to get them to their paintballing activity and catered dinner and then to the dance.  These are all the girls in the group.

Hailey went with Derek Lord (and his fake glasses...)

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