Monday, November 4, 2013

Happy 20th Birthday Elder Tebbs!!

This is my photo shrine to Elder Garrett Caleb Tebbs who is no longer a teenager as he turns 20 today and has proven to be a "man" in so many ways...

His journey to manhood began when he was prepared, ready and worthy to accept his 2-year mission call to Mexico, sacrificing his own personal interests and finances to voluntarily serve the Lord.

He has learned to work hard, be obedient and make whatever sacrifices necessary to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

He has shared his talents...

Learned how to do laundry the old-fashioned way...

Enhanced his cooking skills...

Learned to organize and maintain an apartment...

Kept his sense of humor to enjoy the "joy" in the journey and still have fun when appropriate...

And most importantly, he has learned to truly love the people in Mexico with Christlike love which is what the gospel is all about...

Happy Birthday my son. I couldn't be more proud of the man you have become and look forward to your honorable return next year...


Carin Davis said...

These pictures tell an amazing story of an amazing young man!!!!! Happy birthday Elder Tebbs!!!!!!!!

Misty said...

How cool that Mikkall and Garrett are birthday buddies! He looks amazing! I love reading his experiences in the Paper Plates. He is an amazing young man!

Karen said...

I have loved reading Garrett's letters, thank you for sharing them. He, and all of your children, are incredible people. And they have incredible parents!

Tralar said...

What a great missionary. Thanks for sharing his sweet pictures. Hope he has an awesome birthday out in the mission field!!!