Saturday, December 30, 2017

Christmas Eve

Dad was the main/only speaker in his ward's Christmas Eve sacrament meeting so Michelle and I went to listen to his talk and support him as he has done countless times for us. He gave a great talk and shared some thoughts/feelings about mom and her condition, her love for music, etc.

We dropped in to visit mom after dad's church and we took LOTS of photos trying to get her to smile and cooperate with the camera. She probably thought we'd lost our minds with all of our antics...

This was my favorite because it reminded me of her normal, natural smile we'd always see...

John was along for the ride so we posed for a Christmas Eve shot.

We went to John's parents home for Christmas Eve dinner with Mark and Lee Ann's family and John wanted a picture with his dad who is not doing well and is at the end of his life.

Then the two of us went home and I took a picture of our pile of presents for each other since we're all alone this year. We had all of the kids for a week in St. George at Thanksgiving and so they're with in-laws for Christmas except for Garrett and Julia who are honeymooning in Cancun!

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