Monday, December 18, 2017

December Happenings...

I was lucky enough to win two tickets to Aida at the new Hale Theater in Sandy by sharing who I would take to the performance and why. I said I would take my 85-year-old dad because he took me to the Glendale Theater (the first theater the Hale Family ran in SoCal) when I was growing up and I'd like to return the favor by taking him to the theater located in his hometown now.  I won, the theater is amazing and the show was fabulous!

Fed mom dinner and visited with her before we went out on the town...

Celebrated our immediate family Christmas early this year since Garrett and Julia will be on their honeymoon on Christmas Day and Hailey and Riley will be spending Christmas in Lewiston with his family. We saw the new Star Wars movie, the kids opened their gifts and we ate Joy Luck takeout. Then they all drove home for early morning finals the next day.

Our annual extended family White Elephant party is always highly-anticipated. We had a potluck dinner, opened White Elephant gifts, then played our usual homemade Taboo game. Fun night!

And Elder Tebbs seems to be celebrating in Brazil as well!

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