Monday, July 19, 2021

A Week With the Coffeys!

It was so fun to have the Coffeys come and stay in Bountiful with us for a whole week! We had so much fun with all of our activities and the cousins had a great time together.

MONDAY - Lagoon with Garrett's family. The little girls LOVED the rides, were so brave and could've stayed all day. John and I enjoyed tending the babies so the parents could go on the "big kid" rides.

TUESDAY - Seaquest in Layton Hills Mall. This was a fun place where the kids could touch EVERYTHING and could buy small amounts of food to stick right in their mouths. So fun!

WEDNESDAY - Living Planet Aquarium & dinner at Slackwater. Chloe and Hailey had been sick at the beginning of the week so we missed them coming with us but happy to have Garrett's family join us again at the Aquarium where the girls were enthralled with everything.

THURSDAY - City Creek, North Canyon Park and visiting the Alpacas. Hillary met a friend for lunch and took Beckham with her but Taeya and I went shopping and she got to pick something from the Disney Store. She wanted a big suitcase but I didn't think she had room to take that home so she got an autograph book to take to Disneyland and have the characters sign and add pictures of them.

FRIDAY - Coconut Cove and dinner at Apple BBQ. Chloe was better so all three girls got to jump around for a bit at Coconut Cove in Orem and couldn't have had more fun!

SATURDAY - Splash pad and visiting Garrett & Julia's house in Saratoga Springs. John & I tended the kids so Hillary & Patrick could grab a treat and we introduced Taeya to our outdoor fireplace and melted marshamallows in graham crackers. What a FUN week!!

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