Hillary is an AMAZING lacrosse player. She has no fear and never holds back...

She averages one yellow card per game and sits very impatiently until her time is up to return to the game...

She reminds me of an Energizer bunny--just keeps going, and going, and going...

She's a great team player as well as one of the Varisty captains and scores several goals each game.

She is also like a Timex watch--takes a licking, but keeps on ticking... (and she has the scratches, scrapes and bruises to prove it!)

Her goal is to play on the BYU Lacrosse team next year... (I'm happy about that because I LOVE watching this sport!)
p.s. I had to post enough pictures so "THE TUB" picture would scroll down low enough not to be on the front blog page anymore!
SO IMPRESSIVE!!!! How is that she excels in EVERYTHING!? How fun for you to be able to watch her grow!
Your pictures are GREAT!
I liked the tub picture! Has she found out anything about the club team at BYU? Taylor has info if she needs it.
Courtnie--As luck would have it, her current coach's sister is BYU's assistant coach so we know how to get in touch with them. They start practicing in the fall and are ranked 9th nationally... could be fun if she can make the team!
She sounds just liker her mother ..... just keeps going and going and going!!! The last photo is my favorite!!!
How young did she start playing?
Corrie--She only started her 10th grade year and made Varsity (however, I believe her soccer experience over the 10 years prior helped her immensely!)
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