Garrett received his Eagle Scout award last Sunday night. I would've posted this earlier but my camera ran out of batteries as I was taking the first picture of the night (OF COURSE IT DID!!!) so my friend Angela--who's son also received his Eagle--took a few photos for me and just sent them to me, hence the week-late post...
I'm so proud of Garrett and am so glad he finished at age 15... I've heard from MANY that once they can date, drive and work, scouting takes a back seat to all of those IMPORTANT THINGS! I'm just glad I learned so much this time around so I can be ready to start all over again in 6 months when Grayson turns 11!
CONGRATULATIONS GARRETT! Of course I don't think anything less could be expected from a Tebbs!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Glad you get a 6 month reprieve.
CONGRATULATIONS GARRETT!!!! What a great kid!!!!!
Garrett you are awesome!!! You are a great example to your friends and peers.....I hope when you come home from your mission that you don't forget about the Dunn Girls ;)
Kelly judges a boy by his Eagle (or lack of it!)! Too many boys don't care anymore or they are too distracted. We are really impressed by Garrett's maturity! Congrats!
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