I am SO glad the YW have Girls Camp in the summer... I WOULD NOT SURVIVE!

John accompanied Grayson and the 11-year-old scouts and their leaders (bless you, Bro. Stringham and Bro. Davis) to Rockport for an evening of food, fire and fun. Did I forget "freezing?"

Grayson and John slept in the Trailblazer but Grayson said John snored all night long so he didn't sleep much (that sounds familiar...)

Nothing like a good hot breakfast in the morning to get the boys up and ready to pack up and come home.
The Trailblazer and my laundry room now smell like campfire--John's FAVORITE aroma. He's a good sport to hang with his son on his first campout...
I am impressed that John took the camera!!! I hope he had a good time. Danny said it was a lot of fun! How do they do it in that cold!?
Camping .... ugh! But, you are right in that the YW are very lucky that summer is their season. Still .. not looking forward to it ... are you?
BRRRRRR!!! The things Ryan has to look forward to with Karson :) Looks fun...as long as it's not me sleeping out in the cold. Poor Grayson. I totally relate to the snoring thing.
That's why we have girls!!
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