The Young Men and Young Women participated in a Book of Mormon Marathon--thus, 531 pages in 3 days...

We began Thursday afternoon at 4 p.m. Grayson had to attend the first couple of afternoons until John could pick him up after work. He wanted to make sure he had a comfy spot...

Ready to begin...

Garrett was proving to me that he was following along. The Priests found the stairwell to hang out in as they listened...

A couple of our fabulous readers... we had more than 50 different people come and read for us during the 26 hours we spent together!

All meals, snacks and treats were provided for the kids during the marathon...

Garrett taking a reading turn...

Hailey following along...

Finished at 9 pm Saturday night!!!
Now, wasn't that FUN!! I thought so, and it felt just as good finishing that marathon as finishing St. George. Thanks for organizing the reading schedule and keeping us all on track.
Whew! What a marathon! I was so impressed by the support of our youth ... weren't you?!! I know I felt the power of this great book and I'm sure the kids did too! Great, great job my friend!!!
You should do this every year! What a great experience for the youth!
I still remember doing this when I was in YW! We loved it then too. It looks like you all had so much fun! I sure miss being surrounded with the youth of our ward. They are such great kids!
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