Sunday, July 11, 2010

He's Home...

Elder Collin King just returned after serving faithfully for 2 years in the Puerto Rico San Juan Mission. He flew "home" to Atlanta to see his parents and speak in their ward and now he's in Utah for a short while and will be speaking in his real home ward Sunday.

My dad loves to take our family out to dinner for ANY occasion (and we love to go!) Good thing he only has 2 daughters or we'd have to reserve a conference room rather than a couple of tables...

Its fun to have 3 of the 4 King cousins together and hang out with them.

We were excited to visit with Collin and his younger brother Connor. We're glad Collin will be back at BYU in the Fall so we can see him more often...

***Missing: Garrett had to work at Robintino's so he couldn't join us (he did bring home about 12 dozen breadsticks at 11 pm though....)


Shauna said...

What a fun family get-together! Those two cousins look like they could be twins! I wonder if you'll get through those breadsticks!! :)

Mrs. O said...

I can really see the family resemblance, and I can't believe how tall everyone is.

Karen said...

We need to find a cute girl for that boy STAT! How fun that Hillary and Collin get to FINALLY go to school together!

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Candi said...

Thank you for the yummy treat you left on our doorstep! I hope you are having a great summer! It looks like it from all your pictures! My boys are so sad I did not sign them up for fun friend. Hopefully Hailey will want to do it next year!