Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What a day for Gray...

Grayson had his first Jr. High basketball game of the season and played most of the game on the Varsity team.  He's still the smallest guy but was lucky to get an adult MEDIUM uniform this year instead of an adult large that he had to wear last year... (9th graders get first choice of numbers, then 8th graders and as the only 7th grader last year got what was left!)

It's a pretty fast game playing with the 9th grade boys and Mueller Park has a whole new team and new coach.  They lost against Farmington and Grayson was spent.

He had 20 minutes once he got home to take a shower, eat and get back to the school for the Fall Band Concert.  He plays different forms of percussion and I love to see him counting and feeling the beat.  

He is fun to watch in whatever he participates in and I have to be really quick if I ever want to catch him with a smile...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Typical Weekend?? Maybe...

Our weekend started out with an afternoon State playoff game for football.  Woods Cross ended up in 1st place after East got punished for breaking some rules and we played Westlake High School.

It was chilly but sunny and the cheerleaders had a great time.

Final score 35-0, Woods Cross.  Next game next Friday.

I snuck off to attend Time Out For Women in SLC with my mom, sister, niece and niece-in-law.  Fantastic speakers and music!!  I also loved the theme and corresponding scripture...

I snuck out from the Friday evening session a little early to watch Grayson play in an AAU tournament with his new Woods Cross Wildcats 8th grade team.  He also made the Mueller Park Jr. High team last week and is continuing to play with his Hustle comp. team.  We'll see if we can keep up with three teams...

I left the Saturday session of Time Out For Women during the 80-min. lunch period and was able to catch one more tournament game.  They ended up 2-1 in the tournament and played well together as a new team.

Saturday night was Sadies at Woods Cross.  Hailey was in a group of 60 but only had 4 in her car (thank goodness!)  They chose an Americana theme and came up with some red/white/blue flavor.

Hailey took her friend Justin and they had a fun dinner at Pizza Pie Cafe, the dance at the high school and then late night activity at Flips Gymnastics.  I went to bed.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Happy 80th Birthday--Celebrating in So. Cal...

My dad was turning 80 years old on Oct. 10 and was going to be vacationing in Capistrano Beach that week.  Hillary needed a carload of wedding gifts dropped off at her new apartment in Irvine.  What's a girl to do???  Drive to California of course!!

I left last Monday night and drove to St. George.  Got up early Tuesday morning and drove straight to Hillary's bee-you--tee-ful apartment, took her to lunch and bought her a few groceries :)

Met a few old high school friends (almost time for our 30-year-reunion!) that evening in Brea for dinner...

... and finally on Wednesday morning celebrated my dad's 80th birthday with him, my mom and my sister... the HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!!!  My other lovely and fun high school friend JoAnn scored us a few passes and we had the best day! 

The weather was perfect and we rode everything we were interested in riding--even a fishing net!

I love this photo of my parents' content and happy profiles on the Little Mermaid ride.

And this one is great--my mom with her "gun" and her dark glasses on Buzz Lightyear's Astro Blasters ride.  Way to go Renee!!

I'm ready to drive back if anyone wants to ride shotgun!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Las Vegas Reception

Two days after returning from Hawaii we were off again to Las Vegas and Hillary and Patrick's reception at the Coffey home.

 They have a beautiful home and yard and the weather was perfect!

Mr. and Mrs. Coffey--a little tired and a little sick after a 2-week honeymoon... 7-day Mexican Riviera Cruise and 5 days in Hawaii (and no, I didn't see or contact them when I was there :)

They had to sit down after awhile because they both really didn't feel 100%.

John looks a little under the weather too...

Hillary and her brothers.  Hailey stayed home so she could attend the Homecoming Dance.

Lots of great food...

...and drinks and treats!

It was so great to see Karen and Markelle who drove from St. George to come to the reception--great friends!!

My sister and brother-in-law went far beyond the call of duty and flew out to support us at the reception.  We are silly...

Now I can totally check off everything wedding related and move on to Eagle Scout and mission!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

WXHS Homecoming Week 2012

Hailey played on one of two Senior teams for the Powderpuff Football Game last Thursday.  There were 4 teams total and her team ended up losing in the finals by one point.  She had a blast.

She cheered for the WXHS vs. Highland game Friday night.

The cheerleaders performed during halftime.

I wish I would've had my camera ready for Hailey's quick-change.  She ran off the field after the cheer performance and pulled her uniform COMPLETELY off on the side of the field and threw on her Dance Company shorts and sweatshirt and she was back on the field in moments.

Lastly... the Homecoming Dance on Saturday.  I was so sad we were not able to be there to take pictures since we were at Hillary and Patrick's other wedding reception in Las Vegas.  Hailey did the best she could using the mirror in the playroom but you can't really see her gold shoes and accessories...

Hailey was in the "football" group and there were 36 couples!!  They rented two buses for the day to get them to their paintballing activity and catered dinner and then to the dance.  These are all the girls in the group.

Hailey went with Derek Lord (and his fake glasses...)