Friday, October 24, 2014

Visiting Vance

My uncle Vance's favorite color is red.  He's 93 years old and he has cancer.  Vance lives in Colorado Springs, CO and calls my dad every Saturday morning as well as their brother Clint and their aunt Blanche who Vance lived with when he was growing up.

My dad wanted to make sure we all had a good visit with Vance since Vance doesn't come to Utah very often and isn't planning a trip in the near future.  My dad asked my sister and I if we'd accompany him, my mom and 95-year-old aunt Blanche to Colorado to visit Vance and his wife Lois, go to lunch and spend a few hours with them.  Michelle and I were excited to go.

With everyone besides Michelle and I in their 80s and 90s, you can imagine what the average age was amongst our group.  We rented a mini van so I could chauffeur everyone around for the day.

Uncle Vance is one of the most generous men I know (next to my dad) and a fun person to be around.  He's a successful retired army Colonel and a wood artisan who enjoys the finer things in life yet appreciates anyone and everyone he meets and associates with. Vance sends my kids a healthy check when they're born, another when they graduate from high school and one more when they get married.  He always has his door open for any/all visitors willing to come. 
(This picture was taken 2-1/2 years ago when Hillary had her lacrosse nationals in Colorado Springs and my parents and I stayed at Vance's house.  He was a good sport to come out in the heat and sun and support Hillary.)

I feel privileged to call this man my uncle.  Love you forever Uncle Vance!!

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