Thursday, October 9, 2014

Hiking Buddies

My friend Georgia is a hiker, sailor and cross country skier, to name a few outdoorsy things she participates in on a regular basis.  I am not any of those.  I have admired her hiking photos for the past couple of months on Instagram and Facebook and asked if I could join her on one of her hikes.  She invited me on one of her favorites--Lake Blanche Trail which is located up Big Cottonwood Canyon.  We started our hike at 7:30 am before any other hikers were out and it took us 3 hours for the 7-1/2 mile roundtrip adventure.  All I can say was it was totally worth every minute with both the scenery and the company.  I am inspired and can't wait to start doing some exploration hikes on my own! 

Thanks Georgia for sharing your world with me!!

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