Monday, September 30, 2019

St. George & Sadie Jane's Blessing Day!

Love these babies!! Patrick, Hillary, Garrett & Julia took their babies hiking in Vegas before all the siblings came to St. George to be together for 24 hours.

We had a fun time together prior to Sadie Jane's blessing in Vegas before Garrett & Julia went back to Phoenix. We ate and shopped and the boys went golfing, shooting and riding while the gals went to Swiss Days in Santa Clara. Pickleball and basketball rounded out the activity-filled day!

 Sadie Jane Tebbs was blessed by her daddy Garrett on Sunday, Sept. 29 in Julia's parent's ward in Las Vegas. That enabled all of the siblings on both sides and parents to be there as well as a few of Garrett & Julia's friends.

Can't wait for these cousins to grow up together along with Hailey's baby girl hopefully arriving in a few more weeks!!

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