Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Birthday Boy and Baby Boy!

John is 51 today!  (I'm glad I'm much younger :D)  He received some of his favorite things for his birthday... money, snow cone machine, new clothes (needed a smaller size since losing 30 lbs.) and photos of he and Garrett with their motorcycles and mustangs.  He was a happy man! Tonight we will go to Market Street Grill for his birthday dinner--another one of his favorites.

I also had the privilege today of accompanying the 8th grade chorus from Mueller Park Jr. High at a Jr. High choir festival down at Utah Valley University.  They sang three songs, had a good time and learned a lot.

I had fun watching Grayson sing and play the drum... Not so fun riding the bus with 30 8th graders rapping to the radio :D


Carin Davis said...

Alicia! You know how to celebrate birthdays at your house!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!!!!

Sorry about that bus ride! Wow! :)

Karen said...

I was one of those moms that always got roped into going on field trips. While riding the bus from hell, I would be screaming the thought in my head: "why, why, WHY do I do this to myself!" The things we do for our kids...
Happy birthday to John. He deserves a new toy!